Tahota Lawyers Attended Sichuan Enterprise Forum on Investment and Cooperation in Laos
Recently, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce organized a form forSichuan enterprises which had investment and cooperation in Laos in Vientiane,Laos. Zhu Hexin, vice governor of Sichuan province, attended the forum and gavea speech. The conference was held by Yang Chunxuan, deputy director-general ofSichuan Provincial Department of Commerce. Zhang Tao, deputy director ofSichuan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Miao Yuyan, deputyinspector of Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee and directors ofrelevant sectors of Embassy of China in Cambodia were present.
Tahota Lawyers Attended “Seminar on Investment Opportunity in Thailand”
“Seminar on Investment Opportunity inThailand”was held in Chengdu Junyue Hotel by Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)and Thai general consulate in Chengdu on 14, 2017. This seminar mainlyintroduced Thai investment environment and related promoting investmentpolicies to Sichuan enterprises. It also provided enterprises with investment& trade cooperation opportunities and information in the field of the newgeneration automobile manufacturing, high-end medical, food in the future,intelligent electronics, biological energy, bio-chemical, aerospace, automationand robotics, agricultural and biological technology, software development,digital economy, infrastructure and so on.
Japan Desk Took Part in Writing a Japanese Legal Book and Published It Officially in Japan
Lawyer Xu Dapeng and lawyer Li Peng from Japan Desk took part in writingthe book 親会社が気づいていない中国子会社のリスクとそのマネジメント(translated as risksand risk control for subsidiaries in China which are ignored by the parentcompany). This book was officially published in Japan by a famous Japaneselegal book publishing institution--the First Regulation Corporation and beganto sold in real Japanese bookstores and amazon's Japanese website.
Tahota Washington Law Firm Successfully Applied the First Green Card under Trump New Deal for a Client
The new American PresidentTrump made many comments on anti-immigrant during his campaign and implementeda series of anti-immigration policies immediately after taking office. At first,Trump signed an executive order which prohibited citizens of seven Middle Eastcountries from entering America and indefinitely postponed the Syrian refugeesentering America plan. Then, Trump ordered to build walls along theAmerica-Mexican border. Recently, the U.S. Immigration Enforcement carried outa big manhunt. Consequently, more than 600 illegal immigrants were arrestedfrom several immigrants populated areas in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and again in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York anddozens of illegal immigrants were sent back to their own countries.
Tahota Lawyers Participated in 2016 the 6th Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum
WangXiao, a partner from Beijing office of Tahota, ang Wang Shiying, a partner fromJinan office, took part in 2016 the 6th Business of Intellectual Property (IP)Asia Forum from December 1 to 2, 2016. This forum is co-organised by theGovernment of the HKSAR, HKTDC and HK Design Center and Asia has become theleading IP event in Asia.
Lawyer Xie Tianxiang Was Invited by Global Legal Group to Write The International Comparative Legal Guide
XieTianxiang, a partner of Tahota from Shanghai office,was invited by Global Legal Group whose headquarter was located in England towrite chapters about Chinese law in The International Comparative LegalGuide to Outsourcing 2016 – A Practical Cross-boarder InsightintoOutsourcing as a co-author.These chapters were published in thisinternational professional English journal.
Family Office Experts of South Africa Visit Tahota Shanghai Office
On September 26, 2016, Chairman Mr. Geoffrey Cartereyand President Mr. Zhenyong Ji of South Africa Anglorand Securities Linited,chairman Mr. Clifford and investment director Mr. Qi Shou of Skybound CapitalGroup visited Tahota Shanghai Office. The executive partner Mr. Zhenhua Wang,partners Mr. Dongxian Wang and Mr. Tianxiang Xie of Tahota Shanghai Office aswell as parts of the employees attended the exchange meeting.
Tahota Lawyer Xiao Liu was Invited to Attend the Visiting Activities of American
On September 23, 2016, as one of the Ba-Yu Lawyer Talents, Lawyer Xiao Liu fromTahota Chongqing Office set out on her journey to America as a visiting scholarwith other 17 elite lawyers who were chosen by Chongqing Lawyers Association andinvited by American Harvard Business School.
The Successful Holding of Opening Ceremony of Tahota Hong Kong Branch Office & Joint Operation with Hong Kong Yip, TSE & Tang Solicitors
On August 24,2016, the opening ceremony of Tahota Hong Kong office & joint operationwith Hong Kong Yip, TSE & Tang Solicitors was held in the office of LippoCentre. Tahota principal partner Lawyer Shoutai Cheng, senior partnerand director of Tahota international business department Lawyer Chunyan Ma,executive director of Shen Zhen office Lawyer Yuanbing Huang, managing partnerof Hong Kong Yip, TSE & Tang Solicitors Lawyer Lianfeng Xie, and LawyerJianxiong Lin, Lawyer Shangxing Wen attended the opening ceremony.
Lawyers of Tahota Visited China Legal Service (H.K.) Ltd.
On August 24,2016, Tahota principal partner Lawyer Taishou Cheng, senior partner and thedirector of international business Lawyer Chunyan Ma and executive director ofShenzhen Branch Office Lawyer Yuanbing Huang visited China Legal Service (H.K.)Ltd. at United Centre of Hong Kong. The deputy chairman, general manager ofChina Legal Service (H.K.) Ltd. Mr. Chun Du warmly received them.