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Tahota Lawyers Attended Sichuan Enterprise Forum on Investment and Cooperation in Laos

2017-05-08 Views:2916

Recently, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce organized a form forSichuan enterprises which had investment and cooperation in Laos in Vientiane,Laos. Zhu Hexin, vice governor of Sichuan province, attended the forum and gavea speech. The conference was held by Yang Chunxuan, deputy director-general ofSichuan Provincial Department of Commerce. Zhang Tao, deputy director ofSichuan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Miao Yuyan, deputyinspector of Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee and directors ofrelevant sectors of Embassy of China in Cambodia were present.

Vice governor Zhu Hexin spoke highly of the performance ofenterprises in Laos by saying that their development not only promoted the productioncapacity cooperation, but also brought great benefits to local people, soSichuan government would also intensify support for the enterprises to go out.He also put forward some suggestions on the development of enterprises inforeign countries, expecting Sichuan enterprises to make further progress.

Tahota senior partner Ma Chunyan pointedout in the conference that Tahota, as a leading large comprehensive law firm inChina, had accomplished a large number of international cases, the mostimportant thing for going out was to strengthen risk prevention and controlbeforehand so as to increase chances of success and that Tahota Law Firm would provideenterprises’ overseas development with professional legal support.


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