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Lawyer Xie Tianxiang Was Invited by Global Legal Group to Write The International Comparative Legal Guide

2016-11-30 Views:2653

XieTianxiang, a partner of Tahota from Shanghai office,was invited by Global Legal Group whose headquarter was located in England towrite chapters about Chinese law in The International Comparative LegalGuide to Outsourcing 2016 – A Practical Cross-boarder InsightintoOutsourcing as a co-author.These chapters were published in thisinternational professional English journal.

  This legal guide involved 19 countries, suchas Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan,Montenegro, Sweden, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey,United Kingdom and the United States. Chapters concerning each country weredrafted by the country's top law firms. Chapters about China were written byTahota Law Firm and Baohua Law Firm which was very excellent in the field oflabor law.

   Lawyer Xie Tianxiang’s professional Englisharticles had a detailed analysis of 2016 outsourcing legal framework and keyproblems from the perspective of cross-border practices. He also had aprofessional analysis by combining the system of medicine health industriessuch as pharmaceutical marketing authorization holder (MAH) and CMO.

The professionalability of Tahota Law Firm has always been admitted by professional journalsand rating agencies with international influence. Tahota Law Firm will continueto feedback our customers with first-class professional legal service.


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