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Criminal Business is the core and advantageous business of TAHOTA Law Firm. TAHOTA criminal business team is composed of senior lawyers proficient in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of China and graduated from top law universities in China, with solid foundation of professional knowledge and profound academic and theoretical foundations. TAHOTA establishes industrial benchmark and implements a work mechanism combining the refined labor division and team collaboration. TAHOTA sets up a professional team composed of former senior prosecutor, former senior criminal judge, expert consultant with profound legal knowledge, senior partner and special lawyer with rich experience in practice.
TAHOTA Law Firm is one of the earliest law firms in China to establish criminal business law center, with over 200 senior lawyers familiar with fields of criminal cases, criminal and civil crossover, and execution crossover in over 30 offices worldwide, involving Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guiyang, Nanjing, Washington and Sydney. TAHOTA specializes in handling various major, difficult and complicate criminal cases and has set up nationwide branches and cooperation network for quick achievement of cross-region and cross-specialty linkage and collaboration to efficiently formulate and implement legal service solutions for protection of client’s legitimate rights and interests to the greatest extent.
TAHOTA criminal business team has accumulated many successful experience in criminal defense, anti-fraud and anti-corruption investigations and criminal charges, criminal risk prevention and control of enterprise, and criminal crisis management, etc. The team has undertaken many influential representative cases involving economic crimes, job-related crimes, environment and resource crimes, intellectual property crimes, etc.

Main Service

  • Tax dispute resolution
  • Tax advising for M&As
  • Design of equity structure and incentive plans
  • Tax-related legal services for high net worth individuals and individual shareholders
  • Special tax consulting and general tax advising
  • Tax-related criminal compliance

Primary Contact


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