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Tahota Assisted Chengdu Zoharo Real Estate Consultanting Co., Ltd. Accomplish Directional Stock Issue

2017-05-08 Views:16274

Recently,the directional stock issue project of Chengdu Zoharo Real Estate ConsultantingCo., Ltd.  (bond code: 834209,hereinafter referred to as “Zoharo” ) for which Tahota provides special legalservices has received a letter from National Equities Exchange and Quotations(hereinafter referred to as “Stock Transfer System” ) agreeing it to register.

Zoharo has been exploring local market as well as expanding outward continuously sinceits establishment, making it a leading comprehensive real estate serviceprovider in the central and western regions. In order to seek higherdevelopment,  Zoharo will build creativebusiness with the help of capital strength.

During providing legal opinion on legal compliance of this directional stock issue,Tahota lawyers cooperated with other intermediaries, obtained the approval ofStock Transfer System at the first try and made the project  allowed to be registered by combining withvarious current laws, regulations and guidance from Stock Transfer Systemwindow.  Tahota partner Tan Lei, the leadlawyer, provided services for Zoharo’s directional stock issue with the help oflawyer Xu Zhiping and Lu Yi’s assistance and support and guidance from chiefpartner Cheng Shoutai. This service won our client’s high praise andaffirmation.


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