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Tahota Achievements|The law firm assisted Chengdu Xingchengjian Industrial Development Co., Ltd. in successfully issuing "18 Xingchengjian MTN001"

2018-02-05 Views:15977

 On February 5, 2018, Chengdu Xingchengjian Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xingchengjian”) successfully issued “18 Xingchengjian MTN001” with a scale of RMB 300 million. The credit rating of Xingchengjian is AA+, and the credit rating of MTN in this period is AA+.

 Xingchengjian was established on September 15th, 2004 in Qingyang Trade and Industry Bureau, Chengdu. As the most important investment and financing business entity in the urban infrastructure construction of Qingyang District in Chengdu, Xingchengjian has undertaken the task of investing and building of most of the urban infrastructure in Qingyang District of Chengdu City, which is the core enterprise for investment, construction and operation of urban infrastructure in Qingyang District of Chengdu.

 As a special legal advisor, Tahota Law Firm has appointed lawyers Yang Ting and Fan Lina to form a working group for lawyers. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant regulations of the Interbank Dealers Association, they participated in the MTN issue for the entire period: assisting in the formulation of issue plans; assisting in the review of documents and agreements in the process of registration and issuance of medium-term notes; According to the lawyer's work plan, they participated in the issuance work in the whole process and conducted a comprehensive due diligence; examining the qualifications of the issuing entity, the issuance procedures, substantive conditions, etc., and issuing a special lawyer's opinion in accordance with the provisions of the China Association of Interbank Dealers; participating in relevant conferences during the issuance process and providing counsel opinions.


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