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40 Private Equity Fund Managers Successfully Registered with the Help of Tahota

2016-08-09 Views:15889

Since February 5, 2016, the day that China Securities Investment FundsAssociation (hereinafter referred to as Fund Industry Association) issued the Announcement of a Number of Matters on FurtherRegulation of Private Equity Fund Manager Registration (short for the Announcement),Tahota, with its good reputation in the field of capital markets, was entrustedby numerous customers and provided satisfactory legal services for many privateequity fund management companies.

   Till August 1, 2016, Tahota(including its headquarter in Chengdu and offices in Beijing, Shanghai,Shenzhen, Chongqing, Jinan) has helped nearly 40 companies to successfully obtainapproval of the Fund Industry Association with its legal opinions on privateequity fund manager registration. Meanwhile, legal opinions on major changesissued by our lawyers for a number of fund managers have also been approved.

   On the publication of the Announcement,Tahota, supported by its accumulated rich experience in the capital market, rapidlyorganized its business backbones to conduct the legal and practical research onthis issue. It timely summarized the audit trend of the fund industryassociation, and strictly implemented its core flow of securities business.Those efforts provide helps to its excellent and professional legal servicesand have laid solid foundation for the approval of many pieces of legalopinions by the Fund Industry Association. After August 1, 2016, the self-regulatorysupervision of private equity manager by China Fund Industry Associationstepped into a new stage, and Tahota will continue to strive for excellence onthe basis of its present achievement to provide legal services of a higherstandard for more and more private equity fund managers.


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