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Recently, Chengdu Lawyers Association released the Leading Talent Pool & Reserve Talent Pool of Chengdu Lawyers for Foreign-related Law Services. TAHOTA Law Firm had 15 lawyers, which is the highest number, listed in the Pool.

Leading Talent Pool:

Ma Chunyan, Li Jinnan, Yuan Jia, Gan Jianming, Yang Yue, Zhang Kaixiang, Yang Lanyu, Zhang Tiankui, Li Yingzi, Jiang Qian, Guo Qi


Reserve Talent Pool:

Zhu Qing, Lu Yi, Liu Mengfei, Wang Qingqing


In recent years, along with further promotion of “One Belt and One Road” strategy, the international business sector of TAHOTA has developed rapidly, with its services covering overseas investment and cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the real estate, mining, aviation, finance and tourism industries. It also has the team strength to undertake large cross-border mergers and acquisitions projects and handle complex cross-border disputes. In the future, TAHOTA will continue to explore the process of internationalization, strive to provide legal assistance for Chinese enterprises and citizens to “go global”, and make contributions for expanding foreign-related legal services of Chinese lawyers, enhancing international competitiveness and building a brand of foreign-related legal service!


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