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Tahota was honored on the Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) 2020 Recommendation List in Trademark Sector

2020-07-20 Views:19233

Recently, Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), the world's leading authoritative intellectual property media, has unveiled its 2020 recommendation list in trademark and patent sectors in China. With professional trademark service team and excellent customer service, Tahota is on MIP 2020 Recommendation List in Trademark Litigation Sector.


Tahota is deeply engaged in administrative litigation over intellectual property and the settlement of intellectual property disputes, and has successfully acted in a large number of intellectual property cases that are difficult, complicated and have significant social impact. It enjoys a good reputation in the sector of intellectual property. It boasts rich experience in various types of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, layout designs of integrated circuit, new plant variety protection, trade secrets, anti-unfair competition, etc.) cases and non-litigation business (creation, application, management and protection of intellectual property rights). Its multidimensional, systematic, and professional intellectual property legal services have been recognized by a number of international rating institutions, including the Asian Legal Business (ALB) and The Legal 500.


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