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Tahota Law Firm Helped Chongqing Jianqiao Industrial Development Co. Ltd. Successfully Issue Private Placement Bond

2014-12-29 Views:16887

Recently, Chongqing Jianqiao Industrial Development Co. Ltd. successfully issued 500 million Yuan of private placement bond in Chongqing Share Transfer Center and gained its Record Notice on Chongqing Jianqiao Industrial Development Co. Ltd. 2014 Private Placement Bond (CSTC Bond Record (2014) 43).

As the legal adviser of Chongqing Jianqiao Industrial Development Co. Ltd, Tahota Chongqing Office helped its client with its enterprise bond issuing in 2014. Tahota gave independent legal opinions based on facts and laws and provided the client with practicable legal advice. This private placement bond issuing project was in the charge of Qingyu Li and Zhiqiang Liu, two partner lawyers of Tahota. Lawyer Yingxue Mei also took part in the investigation and given professional advice.

Tahota Law Firm is devoted to providing good-quality financial legal service to all clients and sometimes individual financial solutions to those who meet the requirements. Years of legal service experience in financial market, professional and diverse financial service models and an elite-style and compound-type finance lawyer group have become the core competence of Tahota Law Firm’s financial legal service.


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