- Real Estate & Construction
- Banking, Finance & Trust
- Corporate Business, M&A and Bankruptcy Liquidation
- Securities Listing and Capital Markets
- Intellectual Property
- Government & Public Affairs
- Human Resources & Employment
- Cross-Border Business
- Dispute Resolution
- Health Care
- Maritime & Marine Affairs
- Environmental Protection
- Resource and Energy
- Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
- Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
- Criminal Defense
- Tax
Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
Tahota Law Firm, with years of legal services, draws togethertop overseas investment and financing lawyers, family lawyers, commercial lawyers, tax lawyers, financial lawyers and criminal lawyers. We offer legal services including but not limited to law, finance, taxation, manpower and foreign-related services,which are provided by professional service personnel according to different service objects and the set business scope.We have completed numerous typical cases.The service objects include family enterprises (actual controllers, shareholders, and equity holders) and their family members (the shareholders of the company coincide with the family members, and the family members who work in the company but are not shareholders); non-family high-net-worth individuals; third-party family management service agencies, including but not limited to trust companies, insurance companies, banks, overseas study service agencies, immigration service agencies, overseas wealth management institutions; people who need to clarify the ownership of property rights; and people who are in debt or have a family relationship crisis.
Main Service
- Family governance services
- Family financial planning and management services
- Family consulting services
- Family wealth inheritance services
- Third-party services of family wealth management
- Set Sail from Fujian | Tahota Law Firm Officially Settled in Fuzhou, Fujian
- Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office
- Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”
- TAHOTA Southeast Asia Legal Services Salon (Myanmar) & RCEP Round-Table Discussion successfully held
- TAHOTA Law Firm Awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” by IFLR1000 China
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