Tahota Helped Huatai Information Successfully Land New Three Board
2017-01-25 Views:16581Related lawyer
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Recently, Beijing HuataiKejie Information Technology co., LTD. (stock code: 870817) applied a stockmarket quote in National Equities Exchange and Quotations and published atransfer letter in which the stock transfer company agreed it to be listed,which means it is coming to the capital market.
Huatai Information’s new threeboard project was hosted by our senior partner He Peng,lawyer Xi Weihong, Pu Li and Zou Jiajie. After reaching cooperation agreementwith Huatai Information, our lawyers provided whole process legal services, hada special legal analysis of existing problems and put forward practicalsolutions for these problems. Huatai Information handed in listing applicationmaterials at the end of September in 2016 and passed National Equities Exchange andQuotations audits on January 20, 2017 and then gained listing agreement letter.