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Harvey Ingram LLP from Leicestershire of Great Britain Coming to Tahota for Visit and Idea Exchange

2007-11-13 Views:27835

On November 7, 2007, Mr. Jitendra Patel, a partner of Harvey Ingram LLP from Leicestershire, was present in our firm for visit and communication. Lawyer Qianhong Tang (a partner of Tahota), Lawyer Jing Liu, Lawyer Chunyan Ma, Lawyer Tiankui Zhang and some administration personnel received Mr. Patel. The two parties communicated with each other in English in a harmonious atmosphere.

Mr. Patel briefly introduced his journey in China this time. After arriving in Chengdu yesterday, he participated in a business banquet held by the government and met some government officials and representatives from local enterprises. The purpose of this special visit to Tahota was to further discuss the cooperation details of Harvey Ingram LLP and Tahota. Lawyer Qianhong Tang expressed his warm welcome to the visit of Mr. Patel and said that they made some early-stage preparations. Mr. Patel said Harvey Ingram LLP was currently considering moving its international business to Beijing. He hoped that the two parties might give full play to their respective advantages to join hands with Sichuan-based enterprises have the intention to invest in Great Britain as well as British enterprises intending to invest in Sichuan Province. Currently, there was no Chinese enterprise in Leicestershire at present. However, some local enterprises already invested in China. Therefore, common objectives could be established and client groups can be formed for cooperation. Finally, he suggested opening of a special seminar to study the cooperation projects together. Also, legal professionals from Hong Kong and even the United States could be invited to introduce experience to each other in order to make this seminar distinct. Lawyer Tang couldn’t agree more and expressed to preliminary draft a schedule and organize the holding of a seminar in proper timing so as to popularize their cooperation to relevant organizations, institutions and enterprises.

The two parties also frankly communicated with each other concerning systems, lawyer remuneration, income distribution and client development of Chinese and British law firms.


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