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2011-06-08 Views:27129

Tahota law firm,which was ratef highly for professional development and training,work/life balance and staff morale,came in a close second.Assistant lawyer yuan jia believes Tahota is one of the best employers in the western china region.“Tahota has built a perfect platform for us.Our potential was indentified and developed by participating in many inspiring projects and training programs.”

Lawyer Gan Jianming adds that there is a great deal of loyalty to the firm.“[Tahota Law Firm] is the first law firm I worked with after my graduation.I have a deep feeling of loyalty to the firm [and] I think most young employees have the same feeling as me,”he says.

The firm´s office manager Chen Xingtong says several workplace improvements are planned for the next 12 months“Constangtly improving the work environment for all our employees is considered the firm´s duty during its development. ”

Tahota´s support staff can expect a significant pay rise and the firm is searching for a more modern office space, with a move anticipated within the next two three years.


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