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Lawyers from Sydney Office Attended Charity Fund Raising Activity by China General Chamber of Commerce in Australia

2019-02-26 Views:3991

   China General Chamber of Commerce in Australia held the first charity fund raising activity with a theme of “hope” successfully at Pier One Hotel in Sydney to raise funds for children with cancer in the Children's Hospital at Westmead and for cancer research as well on the noon of Feb. 25, 2019.

   Chinese and Australian political and commercial masters including Cheng Jingye, Chinese ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia, Wang Hongbo, economic and commercial counsellor of the Consulate General of China in Sydney, Jim Harrowell AM, special envoy of NSW to China, Robert Kok,a Sydney city councillor, Alison Airey, ACBC NSW CEO, and professor Daniel Catchpoole from the Children's Hospital at Westmead, and member enterprises attended the event. More than 120 people participated in the event, including Chen Huaiyu, president of China General Chamber of Commerce in Australia, vice president Wang Ji, Lu Ping, vice president  of Sydney branch, Pan Yong from Council on Foreign Relations of General Chamber of Commerce, Liu Ying from Women Entrepreneurs Council, council members of  General Chamber of Commerce in Australia including  Chen Zheyu, Liu Yanzhon, Wang Guannan, Rui Jie, Zhang Yubin and Xia Huichang, and leaders of other Sydney branch member units.

   Great love knows no bounds. The event was a great success, raising a total value of  69680 Australian dollars.

      Matthew Watson and Ran Xia, representatives of Tahota Law Firm in Sydney attended the event. Tahota Law Firm in Sydney has a sincere sense of responsibility for Australian people and takes an active part in local charity activities, which suggests that Tahota Law Firm is willing to undertake social responsibilities in Australia.


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