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The roc strikes the waves and sets sail in Nanjing | TAHOTA Law Firm officially landed in Nanjing

2019-10-10 Views:3712

       At the moment when the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China seem to never come to an end, TAHOTA is going to embrace its significant moment-the 20th anniversary, with the 20th step stopped in Nanjing of Jiangsu. On October 10, 2019, TAHOTA (Nanjing) Law Firm gained the approval on the setting on Nanjing with its perfect innovation.

       TAHOTA Nanjing Office is registered in Jiangbei New District of Nanjing City, which has combined Nanjing Pilot Free Trade Zone, State-level New Zone, and South Jiangsu National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone and integrated all kind of innovative and pilot policies in a district. Nanjing, as an import node city for the eastern coastal economic belt and the strategic junction of Yangtze River Economic Zone, has gathered a variety of economic and educational resources in a land. All of these have enabled Nanjing Office to own unique geographic advantages in activating the legal service markets in Yangtze River Delta, even the whole Eastern China. Since the very establishment, Nanjing Office has integrated with the regional characteristics, fully depended on the economic and educational resources, closely contacted with TAHOTA Shanghai Office, combined the advantages of the offices of TAHOTA around the world, give full play of the “favorable position”, and formed up the new pattern for the legal service markets in Eastern China.

       The initiating partners of the Nanjing Office, including the initiator, are averagely at the age of 38, with the youngest one from Nanjing “Top 10 Lawyers” and the youngest doctor lawyer of Criminal Jurisprudence of Peking University from Jiangsu. All of the initiating partners are from the elite schools, such as Peking University, Nanjing University, China University of Political Science and Law, Southwest University of Political Science & Law and East China University of Political Science and Law, and some of them even are assigned in the key positions of the provincial and municipal lawyer associations. In the future, Nanjing Office will further make use of the young talent advantages, emphasize on the talent selection and cultivation, get rooted in a variety of business fields like capital market, security finance, maritime affair, criminal compliance, infrastructure engineering, corporate business, cross-board cooperation, government legal affair, and dispute resolution, and build up an energic, capable and planning comprehensive law firm platform.

       The solid and firm foundation is the basis for the future. In this picturesque and majestic Nanjing, under the help and supports of judicial administration of all levels, the industry association, and all sectors of society, TAHOTA Nanjing Office has sufficient determination and confidence to enable the client to enjoy professional legal services and become the partner for the client to solve problems.

       Vision, Opportunity, Pattern and Fate are the pens to draw our future. With the powerful professional strength and the profound legal resources, TAHOTA Nanjing Office has prepared well for any challenges. The ancient, youthful and hopeful Nanjing, full of law firms, will witness the new journey of TAHOTA Nanjing Office!


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