Tahota Successfully Helped Gowins to Appear on the New OTC Market
2016-08-23 Views:16246Related lawyer
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Recently, Tahota provided a special legal service for Chengdu GowinsTechnology Co., Ltd (stock code: 839172) to help the company to be listed onthe new OTC market. Gowins applied to be listed on the national small andmedium-sized enterprise shares transfer system and wanted its shares to bepublicly transferred. With the help of Tahota, Gowins received the listing agreementof the shares-transferred company and will appear on the capital market soon.
Gowins’s business is mainly engaged in providinginformation management software, supporting technical services and relatedhardware facilities for shopping malls and providing a set of products andservices related to mobile Internet application services that based on consumerdata. It is identified as a software company by Economic and InformationCommission of Sichuan Province in December 2013.
The new OTC market listingproject was led by Lin Zhongqun, a senior partner of Tahota, and practiced bylawyer Xu Zhiyuan. Tahota lawyers provided full legal services for Gowins afterthe cooperation intention was reached. They also carried out special legalargumentation on the existing problems, put forward practical solutions, and helpedthe enterprise to reform the shareholding system. Since there was a growingtrend that the regulatory policy will be stricter, Tahota made full use ofevery minute. It submitted application materials of listing on board on June28, 2016, and gained the listing agreement of the stock transfer system on August16, 2016. This task was finished in 50 days. As a result, the highly efficientand professional service of Tahota has won it the praise of customers and otherintermediaries.