The Lawyers of Our Firm Assisted the Non-public Issuance of Corporate Bonds with 1.5 Billion Yuan from Science Technology Development Group to Obtain the No-objection Letter from SZSE
2017-10-13 Views:16747Related tags
OnSeptember 19, 2017, Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”) issued The No-objectionLetter on the Non-public Issuance of Corporate Bonds from Mianyang ScienceTechnology City Development Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. in 2017 Conforming to theTransfer Conditions of SZSE, which confirmed that the non-public issuance of corporatebonds from Mianyang Science Technology City Development Investment (Group) Co.,Ltd. ("Science Technology Development Group”) in 2017 (not exceeding 1.5 billionYuan) with special legal services offered by our firm could confirm to the transferconditions of SZSE. The bonds of this term would be listed in SZSE to transfer,after succeeding in its issuance.
ScienceTechnology Development Group is a state-owned comprehensive investment groupwith Science Technology CityManagement Committee of China (Mianyang)as its main investor, and its main business covers many fields, such as the investmentand management in hi-tech industries, industry, commerce, real estate, financialderivatives, agriculture, bioengineering, medicine, medical apparatus, computersoftware and network technology, comprehensive land development, urbaninfrastructure construction. The group administrates 8 wholly-ownedsubsidiaries, 6 shareholding subsidiaries and over 40 joint-stock companies. Upto the end of June, 2017, the asset size of company had exceeded 30 billion Yuan,and realized that the revenue exceeded 2 billion Yuan.
Thelawyers in signature for the project of the non-public issuance of corporate bondsfrom Science Technology Development Group in 2017 (not exceeding 1.5 billionYuan) were Lawyer Han Yingmei and Lawyer Zhang Yun. Lawyer Wan Yun and LawyerZhu Yunci took part in the special service this time as the members of projectteam. The lawyers from our firm provided Science Technology Development Groupwith the legal service during the whole process in non-public issuance of corporatebonds this time, and assisted the company to obtain the No-objection Letterfrom SZSE smoothly. The dedicated and industrious working attitude and efficientand professional legal service of lawyers from our firm were highly affirmed byclients and other agencies.