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Providing Legal Services for the Countrys First Pure Liquor Investment Fund

2016-05-23 Views:16735

At the end of last year, the country'sfirst fund investment that takes pure liquor as the subject, i.e. the Sichuan developmentpure grain liquor equity fund is unveiled in Luzhou. This fund is jointly setup by the Luzhou municipal government and Sichuan Development (holding) Co.,Ltd., which is the largest integrated industrial investment and financingplatform in Sichuan Province, as well as the Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. Thetotal size of the fund is 3.015 billion Yuan, and its paid-in investment collectedin the first phase is 1.407 billion Yuan. This fund has a great significationin innovation since it is the country's first fund investment that takes pureliquor as the subject. The establishment of this fund has a great significancein support of standardization and normalization of pure grain liquor productionenterprises in Luzhou and even in Sichuan Province and in improvement of thequality of pure grain liquors, creation of a standard system, pure liquor brandbuilding, advancement of market value and promotion of the acceleratedevelopment of Sichuan liquor industry.

Recently, after a serial of rigorouscomparison and selection procedures, the legal service team made by ourexperienced lawyers Yin Xiaodong, Jia Yuan, Liu Zhen and so on has beaten othercompetitors and is selected as the perennial legal counsel service agency for Sichuandevelopment pure grain liquor equity fund.

Tahota law firm as the largest law firmin middle and western China has always committed itself to providing professionallegal services to government, enterprises and the commonage for the economicand social development of the region. Tahota will continue to strive forward toprovide customers with exquisite and good quality services of a higher degree.


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