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TAHOTA’s honors| Our firm has been listed into Top 10 ALB China’s Fastest Growing Firms for six times

2019-09-24 Views:16703

       Recently the famous law journal Asian Legal Business has launched Top 10 ALB China’s Fastest Growing Firms 2019, and TAHOTA Law Firm has been listed for the sixth time in a row.

       ALB has pointed out in the report: another law firm that has grown rapidly is TAHOTA Law Firm that was established in 2000. TAHOTA has developed into a firm that could offer comprehensive law solutions to the clients throughout the world, and the main advantages have included: real estate and building, banking and finance, corporate affairs and dispute solution; in order to catch up with the development of Chinese enterprises and adapt with the new requirements of laws and rules, the firm has adjusted its businesses and included Corporate Compliance, Internet Finance, Anti-monopoly, Disposal of Invaluable Asset, Asset Securitization, Family Fortunes Management and Blockchain into the practice field.

       Just as the senior partner of TAHOTA Law Firm- Lawyer Liu Jun has pointed: “all of the countries are continuously strengthening the supervision on the compliance. Innovative methods for supervision, risk avoidance and compliance management have become the main theme for the development of the enterprises around the world.”

       He also has pointed out that, with The Belt and Road Initiative, China has established a new opening model, gradually blending into the global economic system; The proportion and scale of Chinese enterprises overseas investment has shot up sharply. Under such a background, Compliance Management is the key for these enterprises to smoothly implement and carry out the overseas investment policies.

       TAHOTA’s senior partner- Lawyer Li Qingyu said recruiting a new partner was the key link for the development of the law firm and the motivation for the rapid expansion of the law firm.

        “We emphasize on the characteristics and professional capacities of the partner. In the meantime, we also need to reach an agreement on the development philosophy of the law firm, for they need to agree with our system, internal collaboration and income distribution mechanism; Only by this way could a partner become the backbone of the law firm,” Lawyer Li Qingyu said.

       ALB is a top law journal owned by Thomson Reuters, as one of the law medias with the most influence in the world. The evaluation of Top 10 ALB China’s Fastest Growing Firms 2019 mainly judges from the following indexes: fee collector growth, new core partner and business field, new important customer, new office, new business field, turnover growth amount, other relevant expansion indexes and so on.


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