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Tahota Lawyer Firm Assists Dazhou Investment Limited Company to Issue 2020 Non-Public Corporate Bond (the first phase)

2020-03-17 Views:17887

On March 16, 2020, the Dazhou Investment Limited Company successfully issued the 2020 privately raised company bond in the exchange, with issuing scale of CNY 1 billion, subject rating of AA, no guarantee, coupon rate of 6.47%, and total subscription times 1.7. This bond was the first corporate bond in Dazhou City, and set the lowest interest rate of non-guaranteed AA private raised company bond of the same maturity in Sichuan province for nearly three years.


Tahota Lawyer Firm was the only legal adviser of the issuance, which is the fourth cooperation after the issuance of corporate bond in 2011, corporate bond (first phase) in 2015, and corporate bond in 2017, and assisted the issuer to conduct due diligence investigation, check and approve documents to be issued, and provide legal opinion to be issued, with a working team consisting of Zhang Chunhua, the partner of our lawyer firm, as project leader and Liang Xu and Wu Juan as leader lawyers. This assistance of issuance won Tahota lawyer team high praise and recognition from clients and affiliated parties for Tahota’s quality, efficient, professional and precise legal service, and embodied strong and comprehensive strength of Tahota lawyers in professional legal area, including finance and securities, investment and financing, corporate business, etc.



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