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Tahota has various sectors and lawyers ranked the list of IFLR1000 2023

2022-09-19 Views:16540

Recently, international renowned financial and legal media IFLR1000 issued the list of IFLR1000 2023 (32nd Edition). Tahota Law Firm, with outstanding professional capacity and quality legal services, ranked the list in multiple sectors, such as bank and finance, capital market (equity), capital market (bond), mergers and acquisitions, private equity, investment fund, bankruptcy and reorganization. Meanwhile, lawyer Li Peng (senior partner), lawyer Yang Pengfei, senior advisor Li Jinnan ranked the list of leading layers.


IFLR1000 constantly dedicated to provide annual guide for leading law firms and lawyers. The IFLR1000 awards as the largest and longest running awards in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at commend the outstanding performance of law firms and lawyers in the past year, reflects the depth of the regional legal market with objective and independent result to some extent. It has extensive market influence and high authority in the industry.


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