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ur Lawyers Provided Whole Course Legal Service for the Provincial Key Project “China-France Agricultural Science and Technology Park”

2016-10-25 Views:16884

TahotaLaw Firm accepted the commission of Pengshan district people's government andappointed lawyers like Wu Xinjian, Yuan Jia and Liu Shuxiao to provide wholecourse legal service for the project “Agricultural Science and Technology Park”which was established by Pengshan district people's government and a Frenchcompany.

Thetwo sides will work together to build an agricultural science and technologydemonstration district in Pengzhou district in Meishan city, involvingcomprehensive development projects related to ecological agriculture, tourismculture, health preserving, deep processing of agricultural products andagricultural science and technology incubation etc. This project covers an areaof about 18000 mu.

“Agricultural Science and TechnologyPark” is avery important and far-reaching project. The French foreign ministry and otherrelevant parties show great attention to this project, hoping it to be not onlya witness to the friendship and cooperation between sichuan and Frenchcompanies, but also a model of agricultural cooperation between China andFrance.

The project “Agricultural Science andTechnology Park” was reached by Wang Dongming, provincial secretary of Sichuan, and a French company after he visitedFrance and France became a guest of honor in the 15th WesternInternational Fair last year. In the project planning, Chinese and French companiesshould work together to develop vegetable planting, aquaculture, ecologicalwetland and health tourism. At the same time, Internet agriculture and modern agriculturallogistics service should also be developed.

Afteraccepting the commission, our lawyers attended meetings between the two sidesfor many times. They had an in-depth legal analysis of the project and workedout a detailed work plan. Based on the actual situation of the project, theydelivered a special lawyer opinion letter about problems in the project.Moreover, targeted and workable suggestions were given by them. They providedoverall high-quality legal service for this project and their professionalqualities were highly praised by all the project parties.


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