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James Robey, a Partner of Wilson Gun, Visiting Tahota

2010-10-20 Views:29699

On October 18, 2010, James Robey, a partner of Wilson Gun, visited Tahota Firm. Lawyer Hong Ni (senior partner and director of Intellectual Property Center), Changwei Wei (general manager and patent agent of Intellectual Property Center), Lawyer Xu Yang (patent agent), Lawyer Xiangkun Zeng and Ying Xue (deputy manager of Administration Department) passionately received the guest.

   Ying Xue (deputy manager of Administration Department) led the guest to the office environment of the firm and then the two parties had a meeting in the square meeting room on the 27th floor. During the meeting, Lawyer Ni introduced the basic conditions of Intellectual Property Center and launching conditions of foreign-related business while James Robey introduced the conditions of Wilson Gun and the purpose of his visit to China. The two parties communicated with each other as how to launch cooperation in the intellectual property field in a harmonious atmosphere.

Wilson Gun was founded in Manchester in 1864. It was an important British practicing firm among each patent and trademark agency firm of Europe and Great Britain. Its leading business included submission and litigation of patent, trademark and appearance design applications of Europe and Great Britain. It established firms in three major business centers of Great Britain, i.e. Birmingham, London and Manchester. Also, it had a branch in Chesterfield.


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