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Tahota Shortlisted “GCP PRC Law Firm Rankings 2024: Insolvency & Restructuring”

2024-11-13 Views:4698

On November 7, 2024, GCProfiles, a research and analysis firm in legal industry, published its “GCP PRC Law Firm Rankings 2024: Insolvency & Restructuring”. Tahota ranks the list with its outstanding performance and reputation in the section of insolvency and restructuring.

Insolvency & Restructuring: Administrator

Insolvency & Restructuring: Debtor/creditor or investor

Insolvency cases undertaken by Tahota as insolvency administrator have been promoted by the People's Courts as typical cases for many times. These cases have been selected as annual outstanding transaction projects or cases by domestic and foreign legal rating agencies. Up to now, Tahota has undertaken more than 1,000 cases related to corporate insolvency and liquidation, published hundreds of papers and books, joined the Beijing Bankruptcy Law Society and the Associations of Bankruptcy Administrators across the country, and actively participated in large-scale regional and national bankruptcy theory and practice forums.


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