The Lawyers from Our Firm have become the First Batch of Members in the Talent Pool of “B & R” Cross-border Lawyers
2017-06-24 Views:4104Related lawyer
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There is a long way to go, and we setsail and believe in the wind in this way. After our country sponsored “B &R” International Cooperation Summit Forum successfully this May, “B & R”construction is at the time of striding forward to the phase of taking root,intensive farming and lasting development. On June 24, 2017, National LawyerAssociation of China (hereinafter referred to as National Lawyer Association) publishedLegal Environment Report of Countries along the Line of “B & R” formally inBeijing, which announced to establish a talent pool of “B & R” cross-borderlawyers, and signed the legal service memorandum of cooperation with the lawyerassociation in countries such as India, Laos, Mongolia, Poland and Thailand.
In this meeting, National LawyerAssociation announced that a talent pool of “B & R” cross-border lawyers (hereinafterreferred to as talent pool) was built. The leading talents Lawyer Gan Jianmingand Lawyer Yuan Jia concerning foreign affairs from the international businessdepartment of our firm and National Lawyer Association participated in writing thechapters on Turkey and Croatia of Legal Environment Report of Countries alongthe Line of “B & R”, and they were brought into the talent pool to becomethe first batch of members in the talent pool.
The purpose of National LawyerAssociation to build the talent pool of “B & R” cross-border lawyers is toserve “B & R” construction, reserve and cultivate a batch of top lawyerswho are familiar with the related laws and regulations in “B & R”relatedcountries and regions and have rich experience in the practice in the field of specialprofessional law, give full play to the important role of legal professionals inthe construction and development of “B & R”, push the development ofcooperation network of the legal services in B & R” related countries andregions, and offer international and high-level professional legal support for deeplyboosting “B & R” construction.