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Legal Environment Report of the “Belt and Road” Countries (Bilingual in English and Chinese) Compiled by Tahota Lawyers Will Be Published Soon

2017-05-17 Views:2690

Legal Environment Report ofthe “Belt and Road” Countries (Bilingual in English and Chinese), a magazine under the general editorship of All China LawyersAssociation, was compiled by Gan Jianming’s team and Yuan Jia’s team from theinternational department of Tahota Law Firm and will be published soon.

Different from other similar publications, the Report was jointly compiled by Chinese and foreign lawyers from toplaw firms of “Belt and Road” countries, reflecting the real basic legal systemsand legal environment of “Belt and Road” countries. It is a high level legalenvironment guidance for oversea investment due to its strong authority,practicability and maneuverability. The Reportis a response to “overall plans on the development of foreign-related legalservice industry” put forward by the Justice Department, the Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the State Council’s Legislative Affairs Office. It is divided into thefirst volume and the second volume, involving investment legal environmentreports of 43 “Belt and Road” countries, which can provide clients with morecomplete research and analyses of legal environment in various countries and makecontributions to enhancing mutual trust between states and promoting the jointdevelopment and prosperity of economy.

Lawyer Gan Jianming and lawyer Yuan Jia, foreign-related leadingtalents from Tahota international department as well as All China LawyersAssociation, compiled Turkey chapter and Croatia chapter of this book respectively.They had an objective and detailed discussion of the two countries’ legalenvironment, investment guidance and related risk analyses etc.


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