Arbitrator, Caspian Arbitration Society (Geneva);
Founder, China-Europe Commercial Collaboration Association (London);
Supporting Member, London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA)(London);
Member, the Ninth & Tenth & Eleventh Professional Committee of Maritime Law of Beijing Municipal Lawyers Association(Beijing);
Member of International Business Research Society, Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyers Association(Beijing);
Founder, CECCA newsletter on Maritime Law and Commerce (ISSN: 2631-7516)(London);
Founder, CECCA Newsletter on Company and Financial Law (ISSN: 2631-7524)(London);
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering(USA);
Researcher, China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association (London).
1. Invited by Clyde & Co to submit a Chinese Expert Witness Report in Commercial Law to the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) in 2018;
2. Disposed of non-litigation cases in London, e.g. Negotiation with In Vitro Plant-tech, Sweden (2016 & 2017), Dealing with international commercial cases in CIETAC (in 2017 and 2018, in cooperation with Berlingieri Maresca Studio Legale Associato, an Italian law firm);
3. Produced Reports on leading cases in the Supreme People’s Court of P.R.C. as follows:
1) Hengfeng Bank Co. Ltd. v. Yantaishan Branch of Yantai Bank Co. Ltd. & Yantai Changcheng Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. & Yantai Huanhai Industry and Commerce Co. Ltd. No. 156 [2010], Civil Retrial, Ti, (A case about dispute over Security Contract)
Vol. 5, Guiding Case in Commercial Law in The Supreme People’s Court, 2011, Civil Division II, The Supreme People’s Court of P.R.C. (editor), Publisher: China Legal Publishing House, ISBN: 9787509328233;
2) Shenyang Yinshengtiancheng Investment Management Co., Ltd. v. Shenyang Office of China Hearing Asset Management Co., Ltd: No. 125 [2009], Civil Retrial, Cert, (A case about dispute over a Contract on Assignment of Claims),
Issue 5, 2010 (total Issue 163), the Supreme People’s Court Gazette;
3) Xinjiang Qingchun Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. v. No. 2 Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. of Xinjiang Construction Group, No. 31, [2007] Civil Division I, Final, (A case about dispute over Construction Contract)
Vol. 3, Guiding Case in Civil Law (Construction Case) in The Supreme People’s Court, 2010, Civil Division II, The Supreme People’s Court of P.R.C. (editor), Publisher: Law Press, ISBN: 9787511808264;
4) Pantai Branch of China Everbright Bank v. Yenta Engineering Co. Ltd. & Yantai Yinfeng Trade Co. Ltd. No. 8, [2007] Civil Retrial, Kang, (A case about dispute over Bank's Acceptance Bill and Guarantee Agreements);
5) Commercial Bank of Lanzhou v. Lanzhou Haoye Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. [2007], Civil Division II, Final, (A case about dispute over Loan Contract);
6) Xinjiang Kefang Cotton (Group) Co.Ltd. v. Urumchi Office of China Hearing Asset Management Co., Ltd. No. 32, [2006] Civil Division II, Final (A case about dispute over Asset Transfer and Equity Interest Management Contract);
7) Yantai Penghui Service Co. Ltd v. Beijing Haidian Branch of Agriculture Bank of China: No. 22 [2006] Civil Retrial, Kang; (A case about dispute over Certificate of Deposit);
8) Fenghuangtai Branch of Yantai Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. v. Shandong Province Yantai International Marine Shipping Co. Ltd., No. 10 [2005] Civil Division II, Ti (Mediation Agreement )( A case about dispute over Loan Guarantee Contract).
Organizer of “Arbitration Enforcement and Jurisdiction in a Commercial Setting: Anglo, Euro and Chinese Perspective” CECCA, Swansea Law School’s Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law and HFW, London, 21st February 2020
Organizer of The Tenth Annual Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference, London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Group (LUMLP), City, University of London, 5th April 2019
Organizer of The Third Annual Conference: “West Meets East: Challenges for Today and Tomorrow, International Commercial and Maritime Law Conference”, CECCA and Middlesex University supported by Clyde & Co, London, 7th, December 2018
Organizer of The Ninth Annual Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference, London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Group (LUMLP), City, University of London, 20th April 2018
Organizer of The Second Annual Conference: Issues of Maritime Governance hosted by CECCA and Middlesex University, London, 9-10th June 2017
Organizer of The Eighth Annual Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference, London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Group (LUMLP), City University of London, 7th April 2017
Recipient of University Doctoral Studentship, City, University of London
Excellent Lawyer, Beijing Chaoyang District
Advanced Lawyer for Legal Aid, Beijing Chaoyang Bureau of Justice
Four years scholarship, Beijing Union University
Interim Remedies– Comparative Analysis between English law and Chinese Law, Publisher: Tayor & Francis, 2020 (forthcoming).
Edited Book
West Meets East: Challenges for Today and Tomorrow in Commercial and Maritime Law, Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge (Agreement in principle has been achieved).
Chapters in Edited Books
1) “Shipowner’s Implied Obligations in a Charterparty Relating to Lien on Cargo: English and Chinese Law Perspectives” (two peer reviewers) in Maritime Law in Motion, Professor Proshanto K. Mukherjee (eds), January 2020, at pp. 311-340, Publisher: Springer, ISBN: 9783030317492;
2) “China’s Port System Development and Its Internationalisation: With a Special Reference to Belt and Road Initiative” (two peer reviewers) in the collective volume in Maritime and Transport Law, December 2018, at pp. 351-372, Publisher: Bonomo Editore, ISBN: 9788869720772;
3) “The Lien as A Security Device and Contractual Remedy in Charterparties: Common and Civil Law Perspectives” (two peer reviewers) in New Trends in Maritime Law: Maritime Liens, Arrest of Ships, Mortgages and Forced Sale, Jose Manuel Martin Osante (editor), 2017, at pp. 383-408, Publisher: Thomson Reuters, ISBN: 9788491527732;
4) “Collision and Oil Pollution Liability: International and Chinese Perspectives” (two peer reviewers) in Stefano Zunarelli and Massimiliano Musi (editors), Current Issues in Maritime and Transport Law (2), 2016, at pp. 77-98, Publisher: Bonomo Editore, ISBN: 9788869720321
5) “Incorporation of Charterparty Arbitration into Bills of Lading: Chinese Cases in Perspective” (two peer reviewers) in Massimiliano Musi (editor), New Challenges in Maritime Law, 2015 at pp. 95-124, Publisher: Bonomo Editore, ISBN:9788869720109.