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Sean (Xiong) WangLawyer

Personal profile

  • Sean Wang specializes in corporate compliance, commercial contracts, employment law, and foreign-related dispute resolution. His primary practice includes:

  • Providing consulting and representation services on matters related to Chinese legal research and business compliance;

  • Offering legal advice under Chinese law for the localization of legal documents for foreign investors;

  • Advising foreign investors on market entry strategies in mainland China, conducting due diligence on potential investment targets, and preparing DD reports;

  • Assisting foreign-invested enterprises with anti-corruption compliance programs and delivering relevant training;

  • Supporting both Chinese enterprises and foreign investors in commercial negotiations and drafting transactional agreements;

  • Delivering legal training on business-related laws to foreign-invested enterprises and international investors;

  • Representing both domestic and foreign clients in disputes involving labor services and employment, the sale of goods, technology licensing and development, equity transfers, online marketing, and real estate transactions.

  • Sean has also successfully represented clients in commercial arbitration proceedings before leading institutions, including the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SIETAC), and the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC), securing favorable outcomes for his clients.

Education background

  • 2015-2016: Master of Commercial Law, University of New South Wales

  • 2007-2010: Master of Law, China University of Political Science and Law

  • 2001-2005: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law

Representative performance

  • Provided labor management advice to Hong Kong healthcare enterprises, a U.S. IT consulting company, a Pakistani bank, etc., and their domestic institutions, and represented their domestic entities in handling labor disputes involving executives and others.

  • Represented labor-intensive enterprises engaged in domestic processing and manufacturing, government services, technical training, etc., handling the development of their labor management rules, collection of evidence for employee misconduct, labor dispute negotiations, as well as dispute arbitration and litigation matters.

  • Successfully negotiated and facilitated a settlement for a Hong Kong-based plastic product company in an equity dispute in mainland China.

  • Represented a Hong Kong real estate company in debt recovery related to sales, construction, and renovation of a shopping compound.

  • Acted on behalf of a domestic enterprise to recover liquidated damages in a dispute over the procurement of new energy vehicle parts.

  • Successfully recovered holding fees in an equity holding dispute on behalf of a domestic cultural fund company.

  • Represented a domestic technology company in a guarantee contract dispute, pursuing joint and several liability against guarantors.

  • Acted for a domestic bank in financial loan contract disputes, enforcing the liability of borrowers and guarantors.

  • Assisted a domestic pharmaceutical development company in recovering technical service fees and liquidated damages in contract disputes.

  • Conducted data compliance research and provided legal advice under Chinese law for local branches of international companies from Hong Kong (public transportation), Germany (automobiles), Switzerland (watches), and Australia (real estate).

  • Provided market entry research and transaction documentation assistance for investors from Hong Kong, the UK, the US, and Singapore in establishing or acquiring enterprises in mainland China.

  • Assisted European data service providers, Russian agricultural product companies, and Polish dairy product firms in recovering debts in mainland China.

  • Offered compliance reviews, document translations, and revisions for supply agreements, distributor agreements, franchise agreements, online promotion contracts, and franchise deals for Swiss software companies, Hong Kong electronics retailers, and Malaysian food producers operating in China.

  • Conducted due diligence and prepared project documents for equity investment projects in China by investors from Macau, Hong Kong, and the US.

  • Provided legal consulting and drafted transaction documents for a US-based consulting firm engaged in medical cooperation projects in China.

  • Delivered contract law translation training for universities, enterprises, and institutions through the Translators Association of China.

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