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Guo JingyingLawyer

Personal profile

  • Guo Jingying, a lawyer, has been practicing since 2016. With her profound knowledge of legal theories and professional experience, she has provided perennial and special legal services for the government, companies, etc. As a Ph.D. student in the 2015 Constitutional and Administrative Law of Nankai University,she participated in the legislative research including the National Comprehensive Governance Law and the Tianjin Express Industry Promotion Regulations,provided legal service for Tianjin Administrative Approval Management Office, Tianjin Post Office, and Tianjin Binhai. Various government departments, the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of the New District,which includes legislative research support and related legal services.

Education background

  • 2006-2010 Communication University of China LL.B

  • 2010-2013 Shandong University  Master of Law

  • 2015-2019 Nankai University   JD

Work experience

  • 2013-2019: Tianjin Normal University Jinyu College University, Lecturer

  • 2016-present: Tahota Law Firm, Part-time Lawye

Representative performance

  • 1. Provided special legal services for the Tianjin Post Office;

  • 2. Participated in the legislative research of the Tianjin Express Industry Promotion Regulations and participated in the Legislative Review Conference of the Municipal People's Congress

  • 3. Participate in the legislative research work in the preliminary stage of the National Comprehensive Governance Law

  • 4. Participated in the pilot project of administrative examination and approval reform in Tianjin, and provided legal consultation and legal theory support for Tianjin Administrative Examination and Approval Office

Main writings

  • 1. “Selection of the performing subject in the administrative compulsory performance system,Science Economic Society”, No. 3, September 2018

  • 2. "Internet Law Supervision and Industry Autonomy from the Perspective of Social Media Governance", Tianjin Law, No. 3, September 2017

  • 3. "The Thought of Non-litigation in the Grassroots Dispute Resolution Mechanism: From the Perspective of Shen Mingting", Heihe Academic Journal, No. 4, July 2016

  • 4. The benign interaction between folk law and national law - from the perspective of community dispute resolution mechanism, "Journal of Harbin Normal University Social Science Edition", October 2014, No. 5

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