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Cheng MinPartner

Personal profile

  • Cheng Min,once work as a legal manager in state-owned enterprise and foreign enterprise. With her profound knowledge of efficient using legal theories and risk management in the business, as well as her rich practice experience in fields like business negotiation, legal due diligence, project legal risk review& evaluation,and contractmanagement.

  • As a lawyer, she has been practicing since 2009. She focuses on her professional fields like Finance legalaffairs,Cooperateinvestment& Portfolio management, Mergers & Acquisitions,Real estate projectmarketing,Construction,and Corporate Business. Shealso helped many companies listingin National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ)and Regional equitymarket, as well as helped many clients solve legal problems in the fields of Mergers & Acquisitions, Real estate projectmarketing, Real estate investment& Portfolio management, and Real estate lawsuitandotherlegalaffairs. Since participating, she has provided perennial and special legal services for many financial institutions, public institutions, large limited liability companies, state-owned enterprises& institutions, foreign trade enterprises, private-owned enterprise group, foreign enterprises, private enterprises and won the trust of clients.

Education background

  • 2013 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Master

  • 2000 Sichuan University, Bachelor

Work experience

  • She has served as a lawyer and legal manager of a foreign enterprise for more than 10 years.

  • Present: Tahota Law Firm, Partner

Social positions and memberships

  • Member of the Finance and Portfolio/insurance Professional Committee of Sichuan lawyers Association

Representative performance

  • 1. Provided full legal services for the International Trade Center project of Xinhongji real estate company;

  • 2. Provided due diligence on culturalprojectandfull legal services for Sichuan Xinhua Distribution Group;

  • 3. Provided perennial and special legal services for TIBET AIRLINES CO., LTD;

  • 4. Provided special legal services forChina Overseas (Chengdu)Property;

  • 5. Provided special legal services on Jinjiang International project for Sichuan Real Estate Development & Investment Group CO., LTD;

  • 6. Provided special legal servicesfor Shanghai Greenland Group Chengdu Real Estate Co. Ltd;

  • 7. Provided full legal services for Sichuan Xinhua guigutiantangequity investmentfundmanagement CO., LTD on the Record-filing and reporting to the securities regulatory authority.

  • 8. Provided full legal services forChengduMeixin equity investmentfundmanagement CO., LTD on the Record-filing and reporting to the securities regulatory authority;

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