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Lawyer Ni Hong Offers Legal Service for Post-disaster Reconstruction after Catastrophic Mudslide in Wenchuan on July 10

2013-10-21 Views:1858

On October 19, a working group composed of lawyer Ni Hong, senior partner of Tahota Law Firm and another five lawyers as well as staff of Sichuan Province Lawyers Association went to Wenchuan County for giving the legal services on the integral moving of Caopo Township in Wenchuan. In the forenoon, Qing lidong, the county Party secretary, introduced to the panel of experts the disaster situations of after Catastrophic Mudslide occurred in Wenchuan on July 10 and the post-disaster reconstruction. Afterwards, the panel went to the harder-hit area Caopo Township for field research. In the afternoon, the panel gave an onsite legal consultation with the county departments concerned and heads of the affected townships and towns, among which, the panel of experts also had a negotiation with the county governmental officers on further plans for provision of legal services on integral moving and placement of the stricken villages.


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