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Lawyer Deng Wenbo invited to be Guest Speaker for Special Counseling Training Meeting “Business Registration” Held by Chengdu Civil Organization Service Park

2013-08-19 Views:2284

On August 15, lawyer Deng Wenbo from the Tahota Law Firm headquartered in Chengdu was invited to a special counseling training meeting “Business Registration” held by Chengdu Civil Organization Service Park as the guest speaker. Participants composed of many public service organizations in Chegndu including Elderly Caring Group of Chengdu Volunteer Association, Chengdu Love-100 Public Service Culture Development Center, Community Development Association for Public Welfare, Coral Island Disabled Persons Federation Culture Development Center, Chengdu Eyesight Enabling Education Center, Childlike Innocence Discovery, Boudior - Single Mother and Daughter Care Center and Social Learn Lab, etc.

During the meeting, the lawyer Deng Wenbo had a communication with Director-General of the service park and also gave details of main points for registration of community organization from the perspective of law and finance. Besides, he also replied many questions for multiple organizations on registered capital, taxation and annual verification and proposed some invaluable opinions and suggestions, which were highly appreciated by the organizations participating in the meeting. In addition, he had given a pointed special consultation for the present organization together with experts of service park, principal of Chengdu Seaon Disabled Community Development Center and head of Chengdu Best Youth Development Center.


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