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2008-08-06 浏览次数:8975





Attorney Huang Yan acted as agent in case of shareholder representative litigation with large object

It was the first time that shareholder representative litigation system was established in new Chinese Corporation law. It not only shows a great improvement and completion in domestic corporative legislation, but also it provides a new way for shareholders whose rights were violated to protest their legal rights.

Recently, Attorney Huang Yan (TAHOTA Partner) was entrusted by a Hong Kong company, acted as agent in case of shareholder representative litigation with object of 400 millions RMB. The case is about that this Hong Kong company invested in a real estate project in China 10 years ago, with the disputes and conflicts between shareholders, it not only gained no profit, even the large investment was not able to take back. So the company carried on arbitration to solve the shareholders’ disputes, but with some reason it lost the case in arbitration, the right protection had reached deadlock. Owing to their joint efforts, consulting with experts, searching on related cases and studying new shareholder representative litigation system, Attorney Huang Yan successfully draped a project for right protecting and made a perfect preparation in this case. Now this case is formally hearing by the Higher People’s Court of Beijing City.

Attorney Huang Yan not only specializes in real estate purchase, tender offers, company reorganization, M&A, but also, she has a excellent ability in court debating and evidence gathering. Before this case, Attorney Huang had already acted as agent for this company in another case with the object of 200 millions RMB and won the case. Her abundant experience in court, penetrating mind was completely approved by her clients.

This case shows that we are absolutely trusted by our clients, and reflects our firm’s strong ability in litigation actions.

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