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Tahota (Nepal) Office

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On September 9, 2019, TAHOTA Nepal Office officially completed its registration, becoming the first Chinese law firm branch in Nepal, and the eighteenth TAHOTA's global branch.

Nepal is a landlocked mountainous country in South Asia, located in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, with no third neighbor between China and India. As an important neighbor of China, in May 2017, China and Nepal signed 《A Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative》, China and Nepal have continuously deepened cooperation in various fields and reached several consensuses under the framework of "The Belt and Road Initiative".

The establishment of TAHOTA Nepal Office will further strengthen the linkage of legal services between China and Nepal, promoting the development of trade and investment between China and Nepal, even in South Asian countries which are in“The Belt and Road Initiative” area. TAHOTA Nepal Office will become a "bridge" that can respond promptly to provide high-quality and efficient localized legal services for Chinese companies that are constantly "going global", and will integrate and tap TAHOTA's rich professional resources to provide door-to-door Chinese legal services for enterprises from South Asian countries which invest and operate in China.

At present, the director of TAHOTA Nepal Office is Professor Kusum Shretha Saakha, who graduated from Harvard Law School, and is joined by many Nepal renowned lawyers, such as Anjan Kumar Dahal, associate professor of Kathmandu Law School. Kiran Saakha, Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Nepal, is employed as the consultant. TAHOTA Nepal Office is a full-service law firm based in Kathmandu, Which has three principal departments: corporate, dispute resolution and family matter/IP which is headed by a partner with specialization on the matter and assisted by associate and researchers.

At that time, TAHOTA Nepal Office will integrate the advantages of TAHOTA global offices, give full play to its regional advantages, and provide more convenient, professional and high-quality legal services for the countries in Central and South Asia, contributing to the further development of the legal service market.


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